“Fab n Famous Sprout Salad’- Delna Pooniwala. …

“Fab n Famous Sprout Salad’- Delna Pooniwala.

Sprouts are a ‘power food’ due to its high nutritional value.
Sprouts are good in creating a healthy body and also mind development. It ensures blood purification and strengthens the immune system.

In naturopathy, sprouts are associated with the amazing health benefits of sprouting. These germinated seeds of legumes or grains which are full of rejuvenating and health promoting qualities and are packed with adequate protein and calcium.

Sprouts are known as health Rejuvenator and mood repairers. They are rich in fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which is the reason why they are known as a miracle food.

A sprout Salad is a good appetizer & when salads are prepared by using sprouts, the nutritional value of the salad increases tremendously.

“Make Healthy eating your priority” – Delna …

“Make Healthy eating your priority” – Delna Pooniwala

In recent times, as people have started getting aware of their Daily Caloric Intake, we would assume to see slimmer people around us. However, many a times this is not the case and despite controlling food intake, people not only put on weight but are also undernourished and suffer hair fall & low energy levels.

Besides the quantity you eat, it’s also the quality of food that matters.
I met a girl recently who had put on weight after returning from a month long stay in Jaipur. Apparently, she was on a strict calorie control and was compromising her regular meals to stay within the daily intake count. On investigating, it was revealed that her diet consisted of pyaaz ki kachori, lassi and local sweets since she was visiting a lot of relatives there.

We require consuming a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fibres, fats and loads of vitamins & minerals. This is possible when we plan our weekly intake that comprises of milk, nuts, cereals, grains, legumes, greens, veggies & fruits.

Eating healthy should become our priority to stay “Fit n Fab”.

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must eat …

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must eat good food” – Delna Pooniwala.

The old saying goes, ‘We are what we eat’. Yes this is a scientifically proven fact. Every cell in our body is created from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. In addition to nourishing our bodies, food also affects the quality of our lives, our appearance, moods, weight, energy and aging process.

The best foods to stay healthy are with nutrient-dense, whole foods, in the state they are found in nature — fresh and unrefined. They provide all the vitamins, minerals, fibres and antioxidants.

It is studied that people who tend to eat a lot of processed or packaged foods could suffer from deficiencies in magnesium or manganese, vitamin C, or some B vitamins which may make a person hyperactive towards a stressor and the person may be irritable and short fused. Deficiencies in these nutrients have been correlated strongly with aggressive behaviour as well. On the other hand, foods like Banana, berries, walnuts actually elevate your mood when you feel low.

So go on and make your choice right!!

“Work hard & feed your muscles”- Delna …

“Work hard & feed your muscles”- Delna Pooniwala.

Whey isolate, otherwise known as whey protein isolate, is natural by-product from the cheese production process. It is typically a dry, powdery substance that may be used in the making of various food products.

Whey isolate is one of the most complete forms of protein available and because it does not contain any carbohydrates, fats, cholesterol and lactose; it is commonly used as a health supplement.
A single serving of whey isolate may provide your body with all of the amino acids it needs to promote ideal health results from workout and fitness efforts.

Further, it contains a high level of leucine, cysteine and amino acids. These elements, in combination with the high levels of pure protein it provides to your body with practically zero fats and lactose, make it ideal for those who want to nourish their body and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Because of its unique health benefits, whey isolate is also widely used as a health supplement.

“The more effort you take, the more miles you …

“The more effort you take, the more miles you will run” – Delna Pooniwala.

We have been taught since a tender age that hard work is the only way to progress up the ladder. Then why is it that we follow it for academics and professional growth and somewhere forget this principle where our health is concerned.

The more you actively take care of your health, the better the results. Weather your goal is to run faster, or lose a few pounds, to bulk up or gain better flexibility the only way to get closer to the goal is hard work.

The more you will sweat, the better you would feel about yourself so put in that effort and achieve your dream.

“We workout for ‘1’ hour, but the trick is …

“We workout for ‘1’ hour, but the trick is to control ourselves for the remaining ‘23’ hours” – Delna Pooniwala.

Invariably over the years we have often seen ladies wearing awesome sporty gym wear, hiring experts to train them at gym and finally getting into the change room to open their Tiffin boxes and share idli’s & oat cookies they have prepared with friends.

And does the party end there? The moment we step out, we spot pizza, ice cream, burger and pastry brands where the logo actually lures us to feel like tasting a little. We get so tempted with yum stuff that is available all around us.

It is extremely necessary to stay well fed with the right things through the day, so that we do not get walked into satisfying our taste buds.

“MY FITBIT” – Delna Pooniwala. …

“MY FITBIT” – Delna Pooniwala.

I discovered a great device a year ago – ‘The Fitbit’. For those of you who want to truly get into the mould of tracking yourself, it not only tracks your steps, miles, calorie intake but you could set various health regime reminders.

The lop side is that it may be a bit uncomfortable to keep a rubber band worn on your wrist all the time & you need to remember to charge the battery periodically. Also, don’t forget that the novelty wears off soon.

So although it is a great device, be sure before you make the investment.

“SOY PROTEIN” – Delna Pooniwala. …

“SOY PROTEIN” – Delna Pooniwala.

Soy protein is a low-fat source of high-quality protein that helps you feel less hungry, and helps you feel fuller for a longer time. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, soy protein makes an excellent “partner” in a successful weight loss plan.

Not only is soy protein low in carbohydrates and fat, but it also has a low-glycemic index which means it won’t cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after consumption. This prevents over secretion of insulin, which mean fewer hunger cravings, less indulgent eating and fewer calories being stored as fat.

To reduce hunger cravings by simply supplementing your current diet plan with soya chunks.

“The logic behind a weight loss”- Delna …

“The logic behind a weight loss”- Delna Pooniwala.

Healthy weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. Choosing a healthy and well-balanced diet as well as getting plenty of exercise is the way to achieve this. To burn one pound, you must create a deficit of 3,500 calories. However, this has to be carefully planned without creating a nutritional deficit.

While on a diet, you need to not only focus on losing weight but also improving the condition of your overall health, skin, nails and hair.

“Workout Daily & workout Right” – Delna …

“Workout Daily & workout Right” – Delna Pooniwala

Over the years I have seen people using different variations of the’ Dumbbell Row’.

Most tend to approach it with a kyphotic thoracic spine, posterior pelvic tilt. Some have their head too high or low, elbows too wide and a strain on the shoulder, wrist curling to lift additional weight, jerks and pulls to create a momentum rather than a smooth transition and contraction of back & some even rotate their torso.

The ‘Row’ is intended to work the Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, Lower Traps and erector spine and requires stabilization from the rotator cuff. If done well, you would feel the muscle between and below the shoulder blades burning like crazy.
This workout also works as a core stabilization exercise.

Do this right and see yourself sculpt a beautiful back!!