“Fitness is not a Destination. It is a way of …

“Fitness is not a Destination. It is a way of life”- Delna Pooniwala

People set goals for occasions like Weddings, New year, Birthday. They work hard to slim down & tone up for that special day, but once the occasion is over, their routine goes for a toss.

Why not make routine a ‘Way of life, rather than a Destination’.

Motivate yourself to have a daily activity no matter what it is. Walk yourself into a track every morning, or join a yoga class or gym. However, select an activity that ‘YOU’ enjoy & look forward to every single day.

“Season’s greetings for Happy Fitness”

“Why some people do not lose weight despite …

“Why some people do not lose weight despite maintaining a calorie deficit in diet”- Delna Pooniwala.

When people go on long term weight loss programs through calorie deficit, their body gets used to its energy expenditure & the constant intake of fewer calories hence the body assumes there is a food shortage and it gets into a ‘safe mode’.

When you consume fewer calories, you may notice that your hands and feet may be cold, and you might loose some energy consuming muscle because of stress hormones and you may also be less ‘energetic’ throughout the day because of a low metabolism.

When the diet is over, you would still have lower metabolism making it extremely difficult for the body to lose weight.

Some people go drastic and try consuming even fewer calories, which is unhealthy. Instead, one requires consulting a nutritionist and planning a diet to increase the metabolism in a well monitored method to achieve long term benefits.

Diets should not be aimlessly followed, but designed and monitored to show results.

“Healthy skin is a reflection of overall well …

“Healthy skin is a reflection of overall well being”. – Delna Pooniwala.

Our body is like a package deal of so many things put together, gift wrapped with our skin.

However, here our skin reveals every single detail about our system. Today let’s talk about a common issue many people face – Acne.

Most doctors would give you an understanding of your problem on a medical level. They would mention that Acne Vulgaris, is a skin eruption, that involves pimples growing when there is a blockage of the sebaceous or oil glands at the base of hair follicles and these blocked pores cause sebum and bacteria in these pores. However, the biological story may be different.

Hormones trigger acne not only at puberty but at various stages of life. It could be during pregnancy, menopause, or with any hormonal imbalance. Acne is also genetic so if a mother suffered from acne during a certain phase of her life, there are good chances that the daughter may also suffer from it during a similar phase. Both men and women could suffer from acne.

People suffering from stress, are extremely prone to acne since there is a release of hormones from the adrenal glands which can possibly cause acne eruptions.

Acne could also cause due to e exposure to certain chemical compounds or as a side effect to certain drugs like anabolic steroids.
Besides following basic hygiene and local treatment, it is necessary to visit a specialist to understand what is triggering the condition and treating it inside out.

Tomorrow’s Preview: What happens with a prolonged calorie deficit diet.

“The Bridge Position” – Delna Pooniwala. …

“The Bridge Position” – Delna Pooniwala.

I dedicate this post especially to ladies & people with a lower back problem.

With the routine of our work and home we ladies can barely manage to spare a little time for our own exercise and top of the list is what we see. We want to work on a smaller waistline and tighter hips and thighs, we want to get that sharp depression on the abdomen and thighs.

What we may tend to forget at times, is a strong ‘pelvic floor’, which would not only boost the core strength and stability but could improve sexual health as well. The pelvic floor is the set of muscles, ligaments, tissues and nerves that support your bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum.

Bridging is a very simple exercise that can help ladies so lie on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale slowly, as you engage your pelvic floor and lift your hips up. Hold this for 10 counts and come down slowly to normal position while breathing out.

Bridging is also an excellent rehab exercise I recommend to my clients suffering from slipped disc, sciatica, or any lumber back problems.

Do include Bridging in your daily routine & observe the improvement for yourself.

Tomorrows preview: Skin Issues – ‘Acne’.

“Four steps to a healthier and slimmer you” …

“Four steps to a healthier and slimmer you” – Delna Pooniwala.

Most people do not realise that to be healthy and slim, one requires to have a complete approach.

Maintaining a good diet is a major pillar to your goal so eat right. This does not in any way mean that you require eating less. Just switch over to healthier options.

Another pillar is your activity. No matter what activity you choose depending of your physical ability and likes. It may be swimming, gym or dancing, trekking or cycling just anything you choose to do.
I knew a lady who walked for hours around her building when she wanted to reduce weight. And she eventually lost a great deal. So you needn’t go places to do an activity you can create one based on your conveniences.

Our body is made up of water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.and we require to fuel the water content too for detoxification, getting a clear youthful skin, developing good muscles and cleansing our organs.
Another very important pillar is good healthy sleep, which is required to rejuvenate not only the mind but your muscles, skin, eyes, every cell in your body.

Once you follow create these 4 pillars you would not only be healthier but slimmer too.

Tomorrow’s Preview: A post dedicated to ladies – How to strengthen your Pelvic Floor.



If you have ever worked in a corporate, you may be able to resonate with me. You would forecast the budget, targets, activities & marketing strategies for the entire year. Then break it down into smaller segments and implement them with granular check points.

Similarly, we need to plan where we want to see ourselves in a timeframe. We then need to strategize a plan and segment it into weekly goals, with a daily check. Just take a few minutes and plan your day and see the difference.

Always plan every detail and also the alternatives. So if you require to consume a fruit salad at four, and you do not feel like fruits, you need to have options like boiled or roasted channa, boiled sprouts, an organic yoga bar or sugarless juice close to you.

A planned week would always gain better results & you will start loving it.

Tomorrow’s Preview: 4 Steps to a healthy and Slimmer YOU.

“Top meatless Protein sources for vegetarians” …

“Top meatless Protein sources for vegetarians” – Delna Pooniwala.

Proteins are extremely essential to our body to build and repair tissues and to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block for our bones, hair, skin and muscles.

Today let us learn about the best protein sources for vegetarians.

One does not realise that Legumes like beans, lentils and peanuts consumed along with grains like Rice, Wheat and Corn gives our body ‘complete Protein’. Include Rajma, sprouts, chickpeas, Pinto beans, Paneer, soy chunks (Seitan) to your weekly diet plan.

Sattu ka Atta which is the flour of black gram is another great source of protein. You could either mix a tablespoonful in water and drink it every morning, or may prefer to make Sattu ki Roti.

Seeds and nuts are something you require to add to your daily breakfast. These are wholesome and rich in nutritional value.
There are a lot of new products available in the market that one may want to try out like low-fat cottage cheese, Flavoured paneer, Greek yogurt with a slice of multigrain bread, Peanut butter, Quinoa, Soy Milk for breakfast.

Besides these consuming a whey protein supplement is absolutely recommended. However, always remember that a supplement should never substitute your meal.
So plan a great protein rich weekly diet and enjoy with all these healthy goodies!!

“To achieve a great waistline, follow a fabulous …

“To achieve a great waistline, follow a fabulous diet”- Delna Pooniwala.

If only wishes could be granted, every woman would have a 26 waist. Unfortunately we are not as lucky and hence require leading our life sensibly.

Always associate your body with a balloon. The more we load into it, the more it would expand. Thankfully, we can reverse this too.
However, you need to understand that our body utilises most of the nutrients for various requirements. Proteins are used for cellular repair, combinations of vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous protects against fractures, various vitamins and minerals are required for the body to work properly. Similarly, when carbohydrates run scarce, the body liquidates some of its fat tissues for energy.

Fats are stored to insulate the body and organs and also as a reserve for energy when required. The body deposits most of the peripheral fat around the waist. Hence, to achieve a slim and well defined waistline, one may require burning off the fat by indulging in a cardio vascular activity so that the body utilises these reserves.

During this process which may take a few weeks, one has to be careful that they do not replenish the fat reserves and would require being on a low fat or fat free diet. And very soon you would see yourself from Flab to ‘Fab’.


“WEIGHT GAIN DUE TO STRESS” – Delna Pooniwala.

Have you heard of people who put on weight despite eating very less or practically nothing at all?

The person says he cannot sleep well or plan his meals. He may be on his multiple business calls and we know he is suffering from ‘chronic stress’.

We are all aware that Chronic stress is bad for health but most people do not realise that elevated conditions interfere with learning and memory, lowers immune function and bone density, increases weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease… The list goes on and on.

When a person is under stress, our body’s Cortisol level increases. Cortisol is a steroid based hormone which is synthesized from cholesterol. Cortisol is made in the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland and is a critical hormone with many actions in the body. These hormones are involved in the regulation of metabolism in the cells and they also help us regulate stress within the body.

We could reduce Cortisol levels by lifestyle changes.
Regular physical activity where one burns out maximum calories (any form of a cardio workout),
Meditation (as it reduces anxiety and lowers cortisol levels),
Music (any music that you love lowers cortisol levels),
Good Sleep & also Laughter therapy.
Laughter lowers the levels of this hormone so try and go for comedy movies and plays or find people with who you can crack jokes.
It is important not to reach out to wrong foods at this point of time. Try and avoid fried foods & instead consume fruits with high content of Vitamin C like oranges.

Avoid stimulants like coffee, coke & Pre workout drinks post evening, as they may interfere with your sleep. Cortisol is at its lowest and growth hormone is at its highest during slow wave sleep. Ensure that this stage of sleep is attained every night.

In most cases people suffering from stress may not realise it as much as people close to them. Hence it should be the closest of people who have to be a support structure. They are the ones who could talk to the person and help him through the stress phase.

Nothing lasts forever and everything changes in life. Even these stressful phases.

“Never get tempted into eating wrong” – …

“Never get tempted into eating wrong” – Delna Pooniwala.

After the entire week’s routine, Saturdays seem just so relaxing in every way that we want to break away from a regime and do things we would not usually do.

Routine is nothing but a series of habits & paradoxically, a good routine can be freeing from a lot of mental stress, as we already have a direction in life and can provide structure to your day.

Along with your routines, we may also be following certain ritual like meditation, going to the gym, a morning walk which is a commitment and dedication for ones wellbeing. It is when we sincerely dedicate ourselves to our own wellbeing, that we would make correct choices in life. So rather than indulging with an Indian desert like Malai Rabdi with Fried Jalebi, Or ice cream with Fried Gulab Jamoons, one may opt to switch to a chocolate.

A change from routine is always good. In fact unwillingness to change is bad and called Metathesiophobia. However, these changes have to be made with the value of your routines & your personal goal in mind and have to be comforting to an individual.

So go ahead and enjoy your weekend with the right choice of indulgence.

**Tomorrow’s Preview: Sunday special – “Weight gain due to stress”