“Healthy skin is a reflection of overall well …

“Healthy skin is a reflection of overall well being”. – Delna Pooniwala.

Our body is like a package deal of so many things put together, gift wrapped with our skin.

However, here our skin reveals every single detail about our system. Today let’s talk about a common issue many people face – Acne.

Most doctors would give you an understanding of your problem on a medical level. They would mention that Acne Vulgaris, is a skin eruption, that involves pimples growing when there is a blockage of the sebaceous or oil glands at the base of hair follicles and these blocked pores cause sebum and bacteria in these pores. However, the biological story may be different.

Hormones trigger acne not only at puberty but at various stages of life. It could be during pregnancy, menopause, or with any hormonal imbalance. Acne is also genetic so if a mother suffered from acne during a certain phase of her life, there are good chances that the daughter may also suffer from it during a similar phase. Both men and women could suffer from acne.

People suffering from stress, are extremely prone to acne since there is a release of hormones from the adrenal glands which can possibly cause acne eruptions.

Acne could also cause due to e exposure to certain chemical compounds or as a side effect to certain drugs like anabolic steroids.
Besides following basic hygiene and local treatment, it is necessary to visit a specialist to understand what is triggering the condition and treating it inside out.

Tomorrow’s Preview: What happens with a prolonged calorie deficit diet.