“Four steps to a healthier and slimmer you” …

“Four steps to a healthier and slimmer you” – Delna Pooniwala.

Most people do not realise that to be healthy and slim, one requires to have a complete approach.

Maintaining a good diet is a major pillar to your goal so eat right. This does not in any way mean that you require eating less. Just switch over to healthier options.

Another pillar is your activity. No matter what activity you choose depending of your physical ability and likes. It may be swimming, gym or dancing, trekking or cycling just anything you choose to do.
I knew a lady who walked for hours around her building when she wanted to reduce weight. And she eventually lost a great deal. So you needn’t go places to do an activity you can create one based on your conveniences.

Our body is made up of water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.and we require to fuel the water content too for detoxification, getting a clear youthful skin, developing good muscles and cleansing our organs.
Another very important pillar is good healthy sleep, which is required to rejuvenate not only the mind but your muscles, skin, eyes, every cell in your body.

Once you follow create these 4 pillars you would not only be healthier but slimmer too.

Tomorrow’s Preview: A post dedicated to ladies – How to strengthen your Pelvic Floor.