“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must eat …

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must eat good food” – Delna Pooniwala.

The old saying goes, ‘We are what we eat’. Yes this is a scientifically proven fact. Every cell in our body is created from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. In addition to nourishing our bodies, food also affects the quality of our lives, our appearance, moods, weight, energy and aging process.

The best foods to stay healthy are with nutrient-dense, whole foods, in the state they are found in nature — fresh and unrefined. They provide all the vitamins, minerals, fibres and antioxidants.

It is studied that people who tend to eat a lot of processed or packaged foods could suffer from deficiencies in magnesium or manganese, vitamin C, or some B vitamins which may make a person hyperactive towards a stressor and the person may be irritable and short fused. Deficiencies in these nutrients have been correlated strongly with aggressive behaviour as well. On the other hand, foods like Banana, berries, walnuts actually elevate your mood when you feel low.

So go on and make your choice right!!