“Your body hears everything that your mind says. …

“Your body hears everything that your mind says. So Be+Positive” – Delna Pooniwala.

If you have ever experienced kids in our household you may have dramatised a very rosy beautiful world to this child. We make children believe in fairytales & miracles. We teach them to do all the right things and speak only what is true. We show them an extremely optimistic approach to things & make them believe that the world is a wonderful place.

Our body is exactly like that little kid. It craves to do things, eat goodies, sleep longer, enjoy life and it is upto our mind to mother it right. Love your body and guide it to do the right things. Indulge it with pleasures at times & keep it well. Teach it to be active and energetic & consume heath rather than junk. Utilise mealtime as an opportunity to nourish your skin, eyes, nails, hair & bones. Nurture yourself inside out.

We need to be extremely positive in our approach and take tender care of our body which is the sarcophagus that you carry with us for an entire lifetime.