“When you finish a great workout, you feel great …

“When you finish a great workout, you feel great about yourself” – Delna Pooniwala.

It takes a lot for some people to get to the gym regularly. Specially the kinds who travel for work and work late hours or then the ones who are stressed and do not sleep well.

At times it’s just cold or then you feel just plain lazy on a Sunday morning and you want to feel cosy under the blanket and sleep off. But your struggle is only for a minute while you make up your mind & force yourself to wake up and dress & drive yourself to enter the temple of fitness.

Once you decide & get to the gym, you definitely would get charged with the atmosphere, music and other people. But the second struggle is here. This is your one hour to either sit or divert over the mobile, chat with people, wasting your reps or making it the best accomplished one hour of the day with a Killer workout.

Believe me! When you are done with a Great workout. You sure feel ‘Great’ about yourself!