“She turned her Cant’s to Cans & her dreams to …

“She turned her Cant’s to Cans & her dreams to plans”- Delna Pooniwala.

Life goes on in phases & we often get thrown off the main road and are down due to circumstances. We want to do things that seem so impossible and life seems as though it’s facing you to the wall of a dead-end.

There are all the possible reasons that things would not move and work. But if we seek within ourselves, there is always a small way – a small little thing that is probably possible. Never leave sight of that ray of hope.

Always be positive and dream & then make plans to achieve those dreams one at a time. Work towards it constantly and never give up because ‘Hope’ & ‘Dreams’ are something that keeps you ‘Alive’.
No matter how tough the situation is & no matter how impossible it may seem, your dreams are your own and you can change it to reality if you want.

It is difficult to hear the orthopaedic give you the list of don’ts that include ‘don’t lift weights, don’t ever bend forward, only wear flats preferably sports shoes, going forward change your activity to a slow stroll or light swimming only and a list of other things that are huge enough to fit into a Pandora’s box.

It is so necessary to listen to your medical consultant but then there comes a point where you just want to believe in your dreams & when you believe in yourself, others start believing in you too.
So no matter how long it takes and no matter how slow the process, trust yourself & make your dream a reality.