“Preparing for the Marathon Day”- Delna …

“Preparing for the Marathon Day”- Delna Pooniwala.

There are mixed views about what participants should do hours before the Marathon. So here is a great routine for competitive runners.

Most runners understand the value of preparations before a race. On the evening before the run, it is advisable to go for a light short stroll in the open & stretch a little. This would de-stress you and fuel your mind and body with oxygen. Come home and take a hot shower to relax the muscles. Try and sleep early and wake up about 3 hours prior to your run since it takes several hours to get your body raise your body temperature and become fully awake and alert.

Fuel your body with a litre of water & then step out in the open and jog for about 10 minutes. This would warm the muscles & speeds oxygen to the muscles which improves muscle power. It would loosen your legs & mentally gets you in the outdoor running mode.

Once done, get into a shower & sooth your muscles with warm water. This would calm the nerves too. Always feed yourself & fuel up with a pre-workout meal to maintain your energy & glycogen levels.

Reach the venue 20 minutes before time, so that you get to position yourself closer to the starting line. Once you are there, focus on your breathing and stay composed & enjoy the run.