“Never give in to obsessive compulsive sugar & …

“Never give in to obsessive compulsive sugar & junk food cravings” Delna Pooniwala.

Ever tried having 2 pieces of chocolate and then ‘STOP’. Do you stop at that, or do you start craving more?

Although we are all aware that sugary deserts & fast foods are fattening and weight gainers, it seems so difficult to control it at times.
This is because, whenever we eat these foods, it causes a surge of feel-good hormones & dopamine is released in the brain.

However after eating the same sugar-rich foods time after time in large amounts, it activates the tongue’s taste receptors & the dopamine receptors simultaneously reduce. This is when we no longer find the dish as satisfying as we once did.

This would result in dissatisfaction when sugar is consumed subsequently and the body would require even larger quantities to be satisfied. This in simple language would be termed as an “addiction”.
This could lead to a loss of control, cravings, and even an increased tolerance for sugar. Sugar is actually a carbohydrate & is nothing to be too concerned about in normal quantities.

However, like all addictive activities, too much of sugar can be far from a good. Eating loads of sugar-laden cakes & pastries or a box of sweets causes blood sugar levels to spike upon consumption and then plummet. This is called a ‘sugar crash’.

When your blood sugar inevitably dips back down & crashes, you may find yourself feeling anxious, moody or depressed. Sugar and other fast foods, create this powerful effect on the brain centers, similar to that of drug abuse like cocaine or nicotine or alcohol.

Unfortunately, most people do not even realize it is an addiction!!