“It’s Thursday. Walk a little more. Add Thrill …

“It’s Thursday. Walk a little more. Add Thrill to the day.”- Delna Pooniwala.

Since we have crossed half the week, we require creating a slight weight loss today, so that we can indulge in some guilt free eating over the weekend.

Any kind of a cardio activity helps reduce weight quicker than other forms of exercise, as it burns maximum calories if done with the right intensity.

So swim a few more laps, or walk a mile more, play an extra round if you are linked with a sport or just add alternate high intensity cardio to your weight training routine, converting it into a kind of interval training. This would be fun too.

Always try and get a partner to come along with you to make your activity interesting and motivating. Share your health plan with your buddies so that they encourage you and stay on track and above all do things that Thrill you.