“Gym Etiquettes” – Delna Pooniwala. …

“Gym Etiquettes” – Delna Pooniwala.

In current times, a daily visit to the gym is an important part of our life. However, it is so important to follow proper gym etiquette which some new gym goers may not be aware of.

Always visit the gym in appropriate clothing & appearance. You cannot have an out of the bed dull sloppy look as basic courtesy to fellow gym mates. Everyone likes seeing positive, well groomed and energetic people around.

Your personal hygiene has to be taken care of. It would be disgusting to workout next to a person who has body or oral odour. So always carry an extra T-shirt, a mouth fresher & deodorant in your gym bag.
Always greet people briefly & do not try to initiate a conversion. You need to be sensitive to the fact that you might have not yet started your workout or may not be as serious about it, but there are others who may be in the midst of a serious focused workout or building momentum on a treadmill & may consider it disturbing to start a dialogue.

Any gym would facilitate you with great appropriate music. However, if you wish to hear something of your own choice you need to carry your headset n music yourself. In addition to the music, gyms usually have television screens which are supposed to be used as a visual. Most gyms would mute the volume permanently on the system & some allow you to connect a headset to it. However, you need to be very careful that the sound does not get out of your headset.

Always carry a towel & lay it on the bench or equipment so that your sweat does not soil it. It may be required at times to wipe the equipment you may have soiled with your sweat. However, do make sure you do not leave your soiled towel or bottle in an inappropriate place.

While performing your routine, do not use a bench or equipment like a selfish kid not wanting to share his toy. Always share and alternate.
Maintain decent courteous language and a soft tone. People do get offended with the use of indecent words or loud behaviour.
Last and most important – Treat your trainers with respect. Trainers are your knowledge bank to a great body. They are your coach, companion and guide so address them respectfully like you would address a coach in any sport or a teacher or Guru.