“Friday should be healthy Friends Day”- Delna …

“Friday should be healthy Friends Day”- Delna Pooniwala.

Friday is always a great day. It almost feels like the weekend is near and you want to meet your friends and go out with them. But you could either have a healthy weekend or an unhealthy one.

Let me share something with you. When it comes to movies, some friends would actually opt to go to PVR because they serve great nachos & some would suggest Big cinemas as it has awesome burgers and fruit flavoured pop corn & Inox has great sandwiches. But why not go to enjoy the movie & each others’ company over steamed corn and maybe indulge in a cup of tea instead.

Convert your meetings into healthy ones rather than indulging in all those things which are full of fats and sugars & even if you do indulge, do it in moderation.