“Fab n Famous Potato & Carrot Salad” – Delna …

“Fab n Famous Potato & Carrot Salad” – Delna Pooniwala.

Most people have the false notion that boiled potatoes would increase the fat content in their body. Well, may I remind you that in our country, ‘Potatoes’ are a poor man’s meal through the year. However, the preparation is extremely important.

Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals particularly potassium, phosphorus, B-complex & vitamin C. They are low in calories and fats and the high fibre content helps you feel full.

Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not inherently fattening.
A cup of boiled carrots has foliate, B vitamins, niacin, substantial amounts of vitamin A and Lutein, which aids your eyes and skin to be healthy.

Try out this salad I made without any salad dressing by just using low-calorie condiments.