“Don’t give up at the beginning. It’s always …

“Don’t give up at the beginning. It’s always the Hardest”- Delna Pooniwala.

There are always instances in our life when we are advised to take a break from our routine. It’s a phase where some people enjoy being free from the activity and some don’t.

But soon we require to get back to our normal life’s routine and that’s where you realise that your strength & stamina is not what it used to be. It is a terrible feeling that we go through at times.

I remember the days where I restarted my workouts after my cardiac arrhythmia attack or a slipped disc that had kept me away from activity for years and even basic physiotherapy was painful.
It hurts when you start off. Not only physically but much more psychologically and it’s not once but many times when you think of giving up but this is the time you need to be strong & patient & above all persistent.

It would have been so easy for me never to get back into a gym when everyone concerned was advising me to avoid it. But no hurdle is big enough if you are strong. It’s okay to be at ‘snail speed’ but it’s not okay to give up on life. A health problem requires to be overcome slowly and not drag you down, retiring yourself from life forever.

The beginning is the hardest. If you overcome this phase, the rest of the journey would be a piece of cake. So never give up.