“Change is inevitable, but transformation is by …

“Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice” – Delna Pooniwala.

Sometimes we look back at our old pictures and reflect back at the way we looked. Nothing remains the same. Situations change people change & it’s inevitable that we all change in every way – specially the way we look.

Part of this change is inevitable, but why not create a transformation.
Set yourself a target to look, dress & groom younger by every year. Teach yourself good practices that would help you in this endeavour. Sleep for a great undisturbed 8 hours. Limit yourself to gadgets and anything that works on battery or power. Convert 50% of your intake to natural raw foods. Avoid your car and walk out for at least one errand a day. Drink loads of fresh water & indulge in any activity.

If you take care of yourself, you would surely transform yourself into a new YOU.