“Quinoa & Garbanzo Bean Salad” – Delna Pooniwala. …

“Quinoa & Garbanzo Bean Salad” – Delna Pooniwala.

Today’s salad is truly filling & perfect if you are extremely hungry or have a naturally big appetite.

‘QUINOA’ is something we tend to see nowadays in supermarkets. It is naturally gluten-free and contains iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fibre.
It is one of the only few plant foods that are considered a ‘complete protein’ and comprises of all the essential amino acids.

‘GARBANZO BEANS’ or as we usually call it – Chickpeas, Channa or Choley, are a miracle medicine food..

The high fibre content helps you feeling satiated & hence you would not tend to over eat when on a diet & also avoid the risk of other health hazards because Its excellent composition that controls blood sugar, LDL cholesterol, Total Cholesterol & Triglycerides.
The iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamin C, B6 and vitamin K content present in ‘choley’ all contribute to building and maintaining bone structure and strength.

What’s more girls!! -The high protein content makes it a perfect food for luscious beautiful hair.

“The Body Achieves what the Mind Believes” – …

“The Body Achieves what the Mind Believes” – Delna Pooniwala.

At times after a break from the regular routine, we end up adding on a few kilograms than usual and despite a very tiny bit of control; it doesn’t seem to get back to what we were.

Even though we may plan a lot of positive foods & routines each day, it can be very easy to be seduced by the negatives, which grab our attention. This little seduction does bring momentary pleasure to the taste buds but leads to regret later. This is when disappointments sets in and few of us give up and create a downward spiral of indulging in more wrong foods & getting lazy for an activity.

It is so important that we use positive psychology at this point. Positive psychology is really just an attempt to understand our basic nature and the activities that lead to our real happiness.

There are three basic realms of happiness. There are short-term feelings of joy and pleasure, which would come from impulsive acts like getting tempted with a pizza and donuts.

Then there are mid-term feelings which could trigger while being engaged with others. So you would go to the gym only if you have company.

And the third is a long-term happiness, where you develop an aim in life and live a life with meaning.

Research suggests that a lot of impulsive short term happiness or so-called “feel good” activities such as shopping and consuming good meals may be briefly satisfying but don’t really lead to any sort of long-term happiness. And at times is upsetting when you check your weight on the scale or receive your credit card bills.

It seems that the most rewarding, are the ones where you understand your aim and goal as an individual. An attitude that would let you “get in the flow” & set a positive part of your daily routine such as a morning walk, daily gym sessions, yoga, meditation or involvement in a sport activity along with a planned diet schedule or a guideline you follow.

It’s just about being mentally positive and believing that you can follow a regime and start with the initial flow. Once you make it your set routine, the momentum would build up and sooner than you know, your body would achieve your goal.

“Fab n Famous Lettuce Apple salad with Hung curd …

“Fab n Famous Lettuce Apple salad with Hung curd dip” –Delna Pooniwala.

Most people go through salads to stay on a low fat diet, but they do not realise that salad dressing, thousand island & mayo are all full of fat.

I tried something amazing and it was completely free from salad oil so want you to try it too.

Blend some hung curd along with garlic, green chillies, cumin and salt to entice your taste buds. You can serve this with almost anything from Lavash to Papad. However, today I decided to use it as a dressing on my lettuce & apple salad.

“Fab n Famous Potato & Carrot Salad” – Delna …

“Fab n Famous Potato & Carrot Salad” – Delna Pooniwala.

Most people have the false notion that boiled potatoes would increase the fat content in their body. Well, may I remind you that in our country, ‘Potatoes’ are a poor man’s meal through the year. However, the preparation is extremely important.

Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals particularly potassium, phosphorus, B-complex & vitamin C. They are low in calories and fats and the high fibre content helps you feel full.

Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not inherently fattening.
A cup of boiled carrots has foliate, B vitamins, niacin, substantial amounts of vitamin A and Lutein, which aids your eyes and skin to be healthy.

Try out this salad I made without any salad dressing by just using low-calorie condiments.