“Friendship brings music into our life & discipline brings Fitness”- Delna Pooniwala.
There are so many things we require to live and make our life wholesome. Besides the basics that we take for granted there are a few luxuries too. One of it being friendship.
We do not realise and at times we take things for granted but if we just take a moment and reflect we would hear the music in our life which exists only because of some special people.
Similarly, we take our health and body for granted. At times we feed it with excessive fats & toxin producing foods & we do not bother about its suppleness or strength and yet its there to serve us forever. We abuse our eyes with the rays emitted from mobile screens till late in the night, compromise on good quality sleep, our diet and also quality time with ourselves at times.
So why not make friendship with our own self, initiate a little self discipline and gift ourselves healthy habits that would encourage better health & fitness.