“Being yourself is the prettiest thing a person …

“Being yourself is the prettiest thing a person can be” – Delna Pooniwala.

We all have our distinct uniqueness and little mannerisms that lend an individual specialness to every individual.

Some people around us point these out to us or we ourselves observe our role models and then we try to change to become what we are not, just to please others or be like someone else.

We even dress and talk and behave like others at times. But why not just be yourself because no one is perfect and you should love yourself for who you are. That does not mean you let go and indulge in wrong and unhealthy lifestyle. You always need to strive for improvement but not to please anyone else or because you feel you may be more acceptable if you change.

We are all made with a little imperfection and that’s a fact. So we need to first accept ourselves and then decide what we require to change & try to be as close to our original self because “being yourself is the prettiest thing a person can be”.