“If we quit every time we felt uncomfortable, we wouldn’t achieve anything”.- Delna Pooniwala.
We all waited for the New Year 2016 to set in & so let’s assume we have started out on our journey to achieve our resolutions.
Anything that our human body is not used to, gives us discomfort. If we are used to heavy oily or rice based meals, we would be extremely restless with a light low fat low carbohydrate diet.
If we are used to a sedentary lifestyle, then the slightest activity would be painful. However, if we quit at this stage, then we would never achieve anything.
We humans are made to be strong, so fight all those negative thoughts. Work through the pain & discomfort & soon your body would adapt to any change. Our human body readily responds to changes in a variety of environmental, biological & cultural ways.
Keep the resolution going & Work on the path of success!!